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We are offering a chance to#win a#Richard#Petty#Driving#Experience!

You are entered automatically for every#$100 you spend on#towing,#carhauling, or#truck#parts

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#Cottrell #Trailer
#Cottrell# Trailer For Sale
2004 Cottrell CS12LTB Trailer For Sale
  • Color:#Viper#Red
  • Rockwell Meritor Rear Axle
  • 5/16"# Chains & ##Clusters
  • Quick Release Ratchets
  • Aluminum #Wheels
  • Front Axle - LFO Tread Depth 12/32, LFI 12/32, RFI 13/32, RFO 10/32
  • Rear Axle - LRO Tread Depth 11/32, LRI 11/32, RRI 12/32, RRO 12/32
  • Sliding #King #Pin
  • Chrome Kit
  • Light Kit
  • Stainless Kit
For more information CLICK HERE

FBI Shows Details Of Trucking Scam

English: The Seal of the United States Federal...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I had briefly mentioned an incident before about a group of Canadian companies that were using sophisticated schemes to rip off Americans. I saw an article that showed the specific steps they were using to do this. According to the FBI:

  1.  The Canadian companies send over phony     credentials like references, credit, and even tax documents to set up a line of credit.

  2. The Canadian business places an order which will  be delivered by a third party.

  3. The materials are trucked into Canada.

  4. The Canadian company does not pay.

Remember, in the Photoshop world any document can be faked. You need to know everything you can about your customers and creditors because it is so easy to fake it. Do not be fooled by pretty pictures or unverified documents because a lot of con artists want you to get sucked into the air of authority they try to emulate. Go to the original article(the link is below) for the names of companies doing this or F.B.I. information and resources. (2013 January 7) retrieved from Greenbrook Patch

Cottrell Trailer
2005 Cottrell C-7510MST Autohauler Trailer

For more information CLICK HERE


Steering Wheel Lock with 2" Cam Buckle & Two Double J Hooks

strap with hooks carhauler
strap with hooks
  SKU: 12302

For pricing CLICK HERE

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Solving The Trucker Shortage

English: Logo for Celadon Group
English: Logo for Celadon Group (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I had grown tired of large companies railing on and on about the trucker shortage. Granted every area of the transportation world from long haul truckers to the Cottrell Autohaulers hauling cars to the Northeast have felt the impact of the driver shortage.

Even worse, the more specialized the driving, the harder it is to find qualified professionals. I know operating a Cottrell Trailer requires tremendous skill as any carhauler might tell you. I know this since my writing perspective is a company that services and sells Cottrell Trailers, on top of other trucks.

Well there were two competing schools of thought on how to fix the situation. One side said pay a lot more. Sounds good to me. The opposition to that is that we need to train more drivers. Also sounds reasonable except who is going to pay for it?

Well Celadon Trucking has another solution. They have created their own training facility for drivers. The facility will train hundreds of drivers and will add almost 200 drivers to the Celadon workforce. It also has a dormitory to house recruits during training.

Trucking firm plans $5M training center (2013, January 13) Retrieved from,0,515934.story


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